Django Web Project with React.js:

Building a Full Django Web Project with React.js

The entire web application demands to have a good right technology stack for the front-end as well as for the back-end requirements. Django is a powerful Python web framework that gives excellent foundations to the back-end needs. React.js, on the other hand, comes perfectly suitable for developing a dynamic and responsive user interface. Both taken together may form a powerful combination for building scalable, full-stack web applications. This blog guides you through integrating Django and React.js perfectly suited for the building of high-performance applications.

1. Why Choose Django and React.js for Full-Stack Development?

Django: Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Its admin panel, ORM (Object Relational Mapper), and excellent security features make it a solid choice to handle the backend of any web application.

React.js: Developed by Facebook, React.js is a JavaScript library used to create dynamic user interfaces. It enables building reusability-based UI components that ensure even more rapid rendering of dynamic web pages. In particular, it well suits modern web application development.

Building full-scale applications with Django and React.js combines the robust strengths of the backend with the flexibility of the frontend of React to produce high scaling and efficiency applications.\

2. Setting Up Django as the Backend

Step 1: Install Django

First, create a virtual environment and install Django.

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install django

Step 2: Create a New Django Project

Create a new Django project to handle the backend logic.

django-admin startproject myproject
cd myproject

Step 3: Set Up Django REST Framework

For communication between the frontend and backend, you need to expose APIs. Django REST Framework (DRF) is the go-to option for building APIs.

pip install djangorestframework

Add 'rest_framework' to the INSTALLED_APPS in your file.

    # other apps

3. Setting Up React.js as the Frontend

Step 1: Install Node.js and Create a React App

Install Node.js and create a React app to manage the frontend part of the application.

npx create-react-app frontend
cd frontend

Step 2: Setup Axios for API Requests

To make API calls from React to Django, install Axios, a promise-based HTTP client for JavaScript.

npm install axios

You can now create a component that fetches data from your Django REST API.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

const App = () => {
    const [data, setData] = useState([]);

    useEffect(() => {
        .then(response => {
        .catch(error => {
            console.error("There was an error!", error);
    }, []);

    return (
            <h1>Data from Django API</h1>
                { => (
                    <li key={}>{}</li>
export default App;

4. Integrating Django and React.js

Step 1: Setting Up CORS

Since Django and React will run on different ports, you need to set up CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) in Django to allow requests from your React app.

pip install django-cors-headers
Add 'corsheaders' to INSTALLED_APPS and configure it in
        # other apps
        # other middleware
Step 2: Running Both Servers

Run the Django server:

python runserver             

Run the React development server:

npm start

5. Deploying the Full-Stack Application

Option 1: Serve React via Django

One option is to build your React app and serve it through Django by placing the build files in Django’s static folder.

npm run build

Move the build files to Django’s static directory and update Django’s to serve these files.

Option 2: Deploy React and Django Separately

Another option is to deploy the React and Django apps separately on platforms like Heroku, Vercel, or AWS, and configure them to communicate via APIs.

6. Advantages of a Django + React Stack

  • Scalability: Django as well as react.js supports the growing nature of the application which makes these technologies ideal for larger applications.
  • Decoupling Concerns: Frontend and backend are decoupled ensuring clean and maintainable codebases.
  • Flexibility:You can update or replace the frontend or backend without affecting the other.
  • Community Support:Both technologies have a large number of users and sufficient documentation to help bridge any needs that may arise while developing.


This combination of Django with React.js will enable developers to create high-level, full-stack web applications that are fast, scalable, and maintainable. Combination of the strengths of both these technologies makes this tech stack go-to solution for modern applications as, be it a small-scale project or complex application on an enterprise level, this combination is not only a strong partner but also flexible.

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